Our Approach
Our innovative approach will allow us to test multiple treatments in a single trial, transforming the way we carry out Parkinson’s research. In the video below, our Patient representative Laurel asks Co-leads Tom and Camille about why EJS ACT-PD was formed and how we will achieve our goals.
(Subtitles available by clicking the icon at the bottom of the video)
How is EJS ACT-PD going to achieve their goal?
We have united the best brains in neurology and complex clinical trial design in our goal to advance Parkinson’s research. Our members form multiple Working Groups, each focused on the difficult decisions required to successfully produce a multi-arm, multi-stage trial. This includes determining the most appropriate trial design, how to prioritise treatments and test their effectiveness, exploring UK trial infrastructure, and securing ongoing funding for a sustainable platform. We are also actively learning from the challenges and successes of other similar projects, to develop the most efficient design. Our members collaborate to reach consensus on each conclusion, ensuring all perspectives are represented in every decision we make. Most importantly, we benefit from a patient-led approach, where people with Parkinson’s and their care partners are crucial in shaping our design to meet patient-needs.
We aim to build a game-changing research framework that can be continuously adapted to change the future of Parkinson’s research. Our innovative, adaptable approach will reduce delays and deliver results for multiple treatments in a single trial, providing the efficiency we need in our search for a cure.
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